About Us
General Information
With many years of operation in the field of plastic packaging production, we are proud to be a manufacturer and supplier of high quality plastic packaging such as HDPE / LDPE bags, food bags, T-shirts, garbage bags , shopping bags …
Our factory is built based on modern equipment, clean factories, dust, insects. The annual export output of Phuong My Investment Ltd.Co. is estimated at 3,600 tons. After a decade of establishment and development, our products now meet the standards and are exported to most developed countries such as Germany, England, France, Northern Europe, USA, Japan. …
Phuong My products have been supplying to many huge market life
Germany, England, France, Northern Europe, USA, Japan


Skilled Workers &
Professional Employers

Factories Area (m2)

Export many countries
on over the world

Our Vision
Reusable Bags Are the Future
In simple terms our business philosophy is ‘’to design and develop commercial solutions to a social problem ‘’ – specifically in this case to provide environmentally friendly, sustainable, low cost, practical alternatives to single use plastic bags. After 12 years, we are still committed to and guided by the need to apply creativity in developing solutions to the scourge of single use plastic bags. Our contribution can and will be measured by us continuing to design, develop and promote sustainable products and recovery systems, in the first instance a switch from single-use disposable bags, to a reusable and recyclable alternative.



Your Mission
Our Commitment:
- We are guided by the need to develop commercial solutions to social and environmental problems.
- To help reduce and ultimately eliminate the roughly 500 billion single-use shopping bags consumed around the world― each year.
- To enhancing our communities and way of life through measurable improvements to our environment.
- Determined in our efforts to achieve this by designing, developing and promoting sustainable products and systems
- Achieving, on a widespread basis, a switch from single-use disposable plastic and paper bags, to reusable and recyclable alternatives.